Perrilloux was cited for one count of misrepresentation to gain access and released, said Baton Rouge Police Cpl. L’Jean McKneely said. Police were called to the casino about 5 p.m. Saturday by the boat’s security guards, McKneely said.
Perrilloux presented his brother's ID to prove that he was at least 21.
After getting caught by casino security, it's rumored that he threw down the "don't you know who I am?"
This guy is way too good and this incident too will pass. Look for Perrilloux to be brought back into team drills after a short cool down period. However it looks as if Coach Miles is losing control over this team as this is just one of many infractions that have dealt a blow to his credibility since the season concluded. Get this team on a shorter leash Les please or you could be on your way out should LSU not win the SEC West.....