Their are some truly classic collage football uniforms out there that just encompass and capture the tradition of this great American sport the minute you see them. Then their are some that make you wonder if the designer might be Bobby Trendy. Below is a short list of the top three great uniforms of all time and the bottom of the barrel, worst uniforms, what were you thinking when you created these , of all time. Enjoy!
The Worst:
#1) The University of Oregon Ducks: My oh my! Produced by OU alum Phil Knight of Nike the team often takes the field with a new uniform each game. In the 2005 season, they used nine uniform combinations, including white jerseys and white pants,yellow and green, yellow and yellow, green and green, white and green, green and yellow,white and yellow, black and black, and white and black, which they wore in the 2005 Holiday Bowl against the University of Oklahoma. New uniforms were introduced for the 2006 season, allowing up to 384 different combinations of jerseys, pants, and helmets. Please do not stare at the players for too long if you have been drinking. Consider yourself warned!
#2.) Wyoming — What can an all brown uniform do for you? Well nothing but make you throw-up. The players look like 12 little shit turds running around the field. Was the AD taking a large dump when he thought of this? I think so. What the?
#3.) Baylor — The all-green uniforms look like something out of the Jolly Green Giant’s closet. Pick one helmet or another, too. The QB under center looks like a tall piece of asparagus. Speaking of asparagus I'm hungry. What's the deal with Waco, TX?
The Best:
#1. ) Penn State: A throw back to the good 'ol days when Jo Pa was a young en. Simple yet sexy at the same time.
#2. ) Harvard — The black-and-white stripe down the center of the helmet is nice, but nothing beats the school motto on the shoulders — in Latin. The Crimson can run over and educate you at the same time.
#3.) Tie: Michigan and Florida State: Michigan — Maize and blue and winged helmets. Enough said. Florida State-The best helmets in the game bar none. Plus they have the cowgirls in the stands.